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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



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This page should serve as a simple and practical way to display your latest job offerings.

Join the Team of doers !

Enthusiastically orchestrated skilled workers are welcome to submit their C.V. and join our Team of Professionals!.


We are always hiring new staff to meet our targets on new projects! Competently procrastinate goal-oriented graduates, under graduates, post graduates who are looking to join a reputable firm and contribute to their career and be part of her success story, are welcomed.


  • You will be working against a minimum fixed sales target per month You will be expected to familiarize yourself, through formal and informal training, of all aspects of the company’s product and services and ensure every effort is made at achieving your sales target
  • You will ensure all the proper company processes are followed which includes proper documentation, invoicing and payment collection for each sale.

Technical Skills

  • Minimum Required Experience: 2 years;
  • Minimum Qualification: Diploma/OND/NCE


You will be responsible for Production Quality and ensure production processes are conformed to.

Required Skills

  • Similar position experience;
  • Minimum 2 Years experience in production of Furniture;
  • University degree, MBA is a plus


Mauris laoreet arcu tortor. Fusce neque felis, bibendum vel lacinia et, eleifend ut tortor. Sed imperdiet, purus porttitor vestibulum lobortis, lorem nunc adipiscing ipsum, at ullamcorper sem odio a tellus. Mauris a luctus nunc.
Maecenas at nisl leo. Sed sed nisl a ligula eleifend posuere ut nec sapien. Proin tempor neque mi. Duis pretium dignissim elit nec feugiat. Morbi non orci felis. Nam vitae metus a orci iaculis facilisis.

Technical Skills

  • Aliquam feugiat eleifend metus vehicula;
  • Fusce sit amet orci quis arcu;
  • Quisque eget arcu ipsum. Nam sapien sem;
  • Aliquam ultricies tincidunt augue quis;
  • Vivamus id orci nec lacus pharetra fringilla;
  • Donec ornare lobortis elit, non viverra diam.